Bloom Credit

Reporting Matrix

Please see the below matrix for information on which recurring payments are eligible to report to the major Credit Bureaus.

Transunion Equifax Experian
Rent Bloom+ may report one recurring rent payment where:
- the payments are for your primary residence
- you do not have an active mortgage or other active rent tradeline reported to Transunion
- the payments are made online to a verified property management company or through a rent payment platform (e.g. Yardi, AppFolio, Buildium)
Bloom+ does not yet support reporting to Equifax. Check back soon!
Bloom+ does not yet support reporting to Experian. Check back soon!
Telco (internet, cable TV, and cell phone bills) Bloom+ may report one recurring telco payment where:
- the payments are made online to a verified telco company
Bundled Utilities (combination of gas, power, and/or water payments) Bloom+ may report one bundled utilities payment where:
- the payments are for your primary residence
- the payments are made online to a verified utilities company
Gas Bloom+ may report one recurring gas payment where:
- the payments are for your primary residence
- the payments are made online to a verified utility company
Power Bloom+ may report one recurring power payment where:
- the payments are for your primary residence
- the payments are made online to a verified utility company
Water Bloom+ may report one recurring water payment where:
- the payments are for your primary residence
- the payments are made online to a verified utility company
Subscriptions TransUnion does not currently accept subscription payments.
NOTE: If Bloom+ cannot verify additional transactions for a recurring payment for 3 or more consecutive months, the recurring payment will be reported as closed unless and until additional transactions are received and verified.

Please see the Bloom+ FAQs and Bloom+ Terms of Use for more information on how Bloom+ reports your payments.